Sunday, November 17, 2013

Follow Me

We have a new member on our staff team, Andy joined us in September and is serving as our Pastor of Communication and Social Media. He spoke a few Sundays ago about the cost of following Christ. He said something that has been ringing in my head and in my heart since then:

"Will you still follow when it dawns on you that Jesus did not come to fill the God-shaped hole in your heart, but rather to call you, together with all the saints, to fill the cross-shaped hole in the world." ~Andy Holt 10/27/13

Andy was speaking out of Luke 9:57-62 about the cost of following Christ. In this passage three people approach Christ desiring to follow Him. To the first Jesus shares that there will be hardships. You will have to give up being comfortable. Will you still follow? The second wants to first bury his father, then follow Christ. The third wants to first return to his family and tell them goodbye, then come back and follow Christ. But Jesus let's them know that nothing can come before following Him. Christ must be the first in our lives. He must be our focus. Will you still follow?

Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is 
fit for service in the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62

It is easy for us to get distracted by the thing in life - family, jobs, bills, circumstances, trials ~ all of these things (and others) fight for first place in our lives. Good things, bad things. But Jesus bids us to come, follow Him, put Him first. In Matthew 6:19-24, Jesus calls a divided focus "serving two masters" (vs. 24). In Andy's words, "There's no place for distracted disciples in the Kingdom...You cannot be a part-time disciple." 
Andy's talk can be found on our church website here:

As I said, I can't get Andy's quote out of my mind. It is true that there is an emptiness in us that only being in relationship with God can fill. But we have made this all about us, as if this is Jesus mission. Jesus came to reconcile men to God. To be about His Father's work. His mission is our mission.

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